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Service Charges & Fees

Auxilo's Fee Structure

Sr.No. List Of Services Particulars
1 Processing Fee (PF) 2% of the sanction loan amount or as per Sanction Letter
2 Cheque/NACH/ Pre-EMI/ EMI bounce charges Rs.400 plus applicable tax
3 Default Penal Charges (on delayed instalment) 18% per annum plus applicable tax
4 Prepayment Charges NIL
5 Property Legal and Technical verification charges Included in the PF for one property and any additional property given as security during the course of the loan tenor charges Rs. 4000/- plus applicable tax
6 Loan Recovery Charges (Legal & incidental) As per actuals
7 Demand Draft / Pay order issuance charges Applicable as per Actual Bank Charges
8 Demand Draft Cancellation charges Rs. 500 plus applicable tax
9 ROI Conversion charges As per applicable Company Policy
10 Non-Postal Stamp / Stamp Duty on Loan documents Applicable as per State Stamp Act
11 NACH/Cheque/NACH swapping charges Rs. 500 plus applicable Tax
12 Duplicate No dues Certificate Rs.250 plus applicable Tax
13 Copies of Property documents – Hard Copies / Scan images (including documents retrieval from storage) Rs. 2000 plus applicable tax
14 Custodian Fee for keeping Original Property documents after loan is closed Rs.750 plus applicable Tax per month post 30 days from the loan closure date
15 Each personal visit to customer’s place for collection of dues or instalment cheque /DD/Payment As per actuals
16 Cash collection charges 1% of the cash collection plus applicable Tax
17 Loan Foreclosure letter / statement (More than once within three months) Rs. 300 plus applicable Tax per letter / statement
18 Documents Retrieval & Handling charges while handing over security documents and Cheques on closure of loan Rs. 1000 plus applicable Tax on unsecured case / secured with other than property Rs. 2000 plus applicable Tax on secured case with Property
19 CERSAI Registry Charges As per actual
20 CERSAI modification charges As per actual
21 Disbursement Transaction RTGS/NEFT bounce due to wrong accounts details provided Rs.150 plus applicable Tax per transaction
22 Swapping of security property Rs.5000 plus applicable Tax per property including legal and technical verification
23 Mortgage / security creation charges Applicable as per State Law
24 Any other charges applicable from time to time as per state or central government notification /amendment

Note: The processing fees and charges paid for the loan application are non-refundable, regardless of whether the loan application is approved, rejected, or withdrawn.

Sr.No. List Of Services Particulars
1 Processing Fee (PF) As per Sanction Letter
2 Cheque/NACH/ Pre-EMI/ EMI bounce charges Rs.400 plus applicable tax
3 Default Penal Charges (on delayed instalment) 24% per annum plus applicable tax
4 Prepayment Charges 5% plus applicable tax of principal outstanding
5 Property Legal and Technical verification charges Included in the PF for one property and any additional property given as security during the course of the loan tenor charges Rs. 10000/- plus applicable tax
6 Loan Recovery Charges (Legal & incidental) As per actuals
7 Demand Draft / Pay order issuance charges Applicable as per Actual Bank Charges
8 Demand Draft Cancellation charges Rs. 500 plus applicable tax
9 ROI Conversion charges As per applicable Company Policy
10 Non-Postal Stamp / Stamp Duty on Loan documents Applicable as per State Stamp Act
11 NACH/Cheque/NACH swapping charges Rs. 500 plus applicable Tax
12 Duplicate No dues Certificate Rs.250 plus applicable Tax
13 Copies of Property documents – Hard Copies / Scan images (including documents retrieval from storage) Rs. 2000 plus applicable tax
14 Custodian Fee for keeping Original Property documents after loan is closed Rs.750 plus applicable Tax per month post 30 days from the loan closure date
15 Each personal visit to customer’s place for collection of dues or instalment cheque /DD/Payment As per actuals
16 Cash collection charges 1% of the cash collection plus applicable Tax
17 Loan Foreclosure letter / statement (More than once within three months) Rs. 300 plus applicable Tax per letter / statement
18 Documents Retrieval & Handling charges while handing over security documents and Cheques on closure of loan Rs. 1000 plus applicable Tax on unsecured case / secured with other than property Rs. 2000 plus applicable Tax on secured case with Property
19 CERSAI Registry Charges As per actual
20 CERSAI modification charges As per actual
21 Disbursement Transaction RTGS/NEFT bounce due to wrong accounts details provided Rs.150 plus applicable Tax per transaction
22 Swapping of security property Rs.10000 plus applicable Tax per property including legal and technical verification
23 Original Property documents requested for inspection by the regulatory Rs.7000 per request
24 Mortgage / security creation charges Applicable as per State Law
25 Any other charges applicable from time to time as per state or central government notification /amendment

Note: The processing fees and charges paid for the loan application are non-refundable, regardless of whether the loan application is approved, rejected, or withdrawn.