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E-auction Sale Notice

Discover Auxilo's Exciting E-Auction Opportunities

Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of AFPL on 30th March, 2024, will be sold by E-Auction on 30th, May, 2024 an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs. 2,82,35,677.84/- (Rupees Two Crores Eighty Two Lakhs Thirty Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Seven and Paisa Eighty Four Only) which is total outstanding as on 17.11.2022 and the future contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower: Name of the Co-Applicant:

M/s. Gurudev Educational And Charitable Trust
Post - Ayyanar Kulam, Tal. - Usilampatti, Distt. - Madurai - 625532, Tamil Nadu through Managing Trustee
And Also
M/s Gurudev Matriculation School
at Ayyanarkulam Post, Usilampatti Taluk, Madurai District – 625532, Tamil Nadu

1). Mr. Gnanasekeran R.
No 122/013, North Street, Melkelarpatti, Usilampatti, Madurai - 625532, Tamil Nadu.
2) Mrs. Adhisdalakshmi G.
No 122/013, North Street, Melkelarpatti, Usilampatti, Madurai - 625532, Tamil Nadu

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online E-Auction through website on 30th May, 2024 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400319006976, 400319011336, 400319012125, 400319012563 and 400319019585 an amount of total Rs. 2,82,35,677.84/- (Rupees
Two Crores Eighty Two Lakhs Thirty Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Seven and Paisa Eighty Four Only) which is total outstanding as on 17.11.2022 and the future contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization.



(A)          All that piece and parcel of the property at Poothipuram village, Usilampatti taluk, Madurai District Comprised in S No. 106/3C admeasuring 2 Acres and 10 cents and S No. 106/3E3 measuring 23.25 cents in all totally admeasuring 2 Acres and 33.25 cents together with the building thereon with amenities. Situated within the Sub-registration district of Usilampatti and registration district of Periyakulum. Owned by Mr. Gnanasekeran R and Mrs. Athistalakshmi G.
For S. No. 106/3C


Land of Mr. Mokkasamy


Land of Mr. Vattakundu Son of Periyamayan


Mr. Ponnangan Land, Land of Mr. Ramlingam and Saha, Mr. Muthu Thevar and Mr. Kubendran Property and Mr. Veerasingam Property


Land      of      Mr.      Chandrashekh Kuppanampatti Palsamy

For S. No. 106/3E3


Property of Mr. Sahadevan


Property of Mr. Rajendran



South-North Road


Property of Mr. Kurumban and M Suriyaprabha


All that piece and parcel of the property (Vacant land) at Mekkilapatti Village, Usilampatti Taluk, Madurai District Comprised in S No. 116/7B, Patta No. 1195 measuring 94 cents or 0.38.0 hectares situated within the limits of Usilampatti Panchayat Union. Situated within the Sub-registration district of Usilampatti and Registration District of Periyakulam. Owned by Mr. Gnanasekeran R.


Land of Dhanalakshmi and Ochathevar


Adhi Thravidar  Natham,  North
Side of East West Road


Land of Dhanalakshmi


Adhi  Thravidar   Natham,   East
West Road


Reserve Price

Property A-Rs. 3,16,00,000/-
Property B- Rs. 25,00,000/-

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of   the   Reserve   Price   with   respect   Property   as
mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs.10,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditors for flats as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULE- I.

On 28th May, 2024
(Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of
Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc.

29th May, 2024 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

30th May, 2024, at 11.00 PM to 03.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings. 

This Publication is also 30 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors. 
Date:  25th April, 2024                                                                                Authorized Officer 
Place:   Usilampatti (Madurai)
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

  1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd is the Service Provider, which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform.

  2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.

  3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India), Contact Person: Mr. Bhavik Pandya -08866682937, Help Line No    .:+911244302020/2021/2022/2023|Support    Mobile    No.:    07291981124,    Support    Mail    id:, &

  4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.

  5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India) on well in advance and get the User ID and password.

  6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.

  7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.

  8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.

  9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.

  10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.

  11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.

  12. All bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of sale and be bound by them.

  13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.

  14. In case the e-Auction scheduled is postponed to a date before 30 days from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider.

The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792), Email ID:
Date:   25th April, 2024                                                                          Authorized Officer 


Place:  Usilampatti (Madurai)                                                                 Auxilo Finserve Pvt. Ltd

Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of AFPL, will be sold by E-auction on 8th Sep, 2023 on an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs 5,06,13,944.70/- (Rupees Five Crore Six Lakhs Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Four and Seventy Paisa Only) as on 07.09.2021 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower: Name of the Co-Applicant:
M/s Chaitanya Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal & Ors.

at Abdul Lat, At Post Abdul Lat, Tal-Shirol, Kolhapur, Maharashtra-416143

1)Mr. Sharad Ganpati Kale

Address: at Post Abdul Lat, Taluka-Shirol, Dist-Kolhpaur-416143.

2) Mr. Dashrath Ganpati Kale

Address: at Post Abdul Lat, Taluka-Shirol, Dist-Kolhpaur-416143

3) Mrs. Asha Dashrath Kale

Address: at Post Abdul Lat, Taluka-Shirol, Dist-Kolhpaur-416143

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online e-Auction through website on 8th September, 2023 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400419003799 & 400419007241 an amount of total Rs 5,06,13,944.70/- (Rupees Five Crore Six Lakhs Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Four and Seventy Paisa Only) to AFPL payable as on 07.09.2021 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization.


All the piece and parcel of Non Agriculture land area adms. 2500 sq. mtr. out of Gat No. 1226 at Village Abdul Lat, Tal-Shirol, Dist-Kolhapur- 416143-Maharashtra, alongwith the construction thereon and all things attached thereto both presently and in future.

North Abdul Lat-Hearward Road South Mr. Datta Mali (B)
East Mr. Irgonda Patil, Agriculture Land West Mr. Nandkumar Nirmale, Agriculture Land.

Reserve Price

Rs. 5,71,00,000/-

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of the Reserve Price with respect to each unit as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs. 10,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditors for flats as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

On 7th September, 2023
(Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc.

 7th September, 2023 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

8th  September 2023, at 11.00 PM to 03.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings.

This Publication is also 30 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors.

Date: 3rd Aug 2023
Place: Kolhapur

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

  1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd is the Service Provider which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform.

  2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.

  3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India), Contact Person: Mr. Bhavik Pandya -08866682937, Help Line No .:+911244302020/2021/2022/2023|Support Mobile No.: 07291981124, Support Mail id:, &

  4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.

  5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India) on well in advance and get the User ID and password.

  6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.

  7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.

  8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.

  9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.

  10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.

  11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.

  12. All bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of sale and be bound by them.

  13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.

  14. In case the e-Auction scheduled is postponed to a date before 30 days from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider. Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Vaibhav Sawant, Phone: 7083159516), Email ID:

  15. Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Vaibhav Sawant, Phone: 7083159516), Email ID:

    Date: 3rd Aug, 2023
    Place: Kolhapur

    Authorized Officer
    Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of AFPL, will be sold by E-auction on 12th Sep, 2023 on an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs 6,10,37,863.29/- (Rupees Six Crore Ten Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three and Twenty Nine Paisa Only) as on 06.10.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower: Name of the Co-Applicant:
M/s Anand Sagar Charitable Trust Tassgon (Borrower)

R/o: Plot No. 81/96, Anandsagar, Amruteshwar Nagar, Dutt Mal, Tasgaon, Dist. Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

1) Mr. Sanjay Annasaheb Patil

Address: at R/o Anandsagar Niwas, Amruteshwar Nagar, Dutt Mal, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312.

2) Mr. Rajendra Annasaheb Patil

Address: R/o: Plot No. 81, Anandsagar, Nr. Sainik School, Amruteshwar Nagar, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

3) Mr. Vijayshree Sanjay Patil

Address: R/o Anandsagar Niwas, Amruteshwar Nagar, Dutt Mal, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

4) Miss Rajkuvar Sanjay Patil

Address: R/o: Plot No. 81, Anandsagar, Nr. Sainik School, Amruteshwar Nagar, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online e-Auction through website on 12th September, 2023 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400419004467, 400419012104 & 400419021085 an amount of total Rs 6, 10, 37,863.29/- (Rupees Six Crore Ten Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three and Twenty Nine Paisa Only) to AFPL payable as on 06.10.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization.


All that piece and parcel of Part of Gat No. 745 South Side land admeasuring about 05 Hector 70 Aarr Out of Gat No 745 total Land admeasuring about 11 Hector 40 Aar situated at revenue village Boregaon, which is within the local limits of Zilha Parishad Sangli, Taluka Panchayat Samiti Kavathe Mahakal, Grampanchayat Boregaon and within the jurisdiction of Registration District, Sub Registrar Kavathe Mahakal, District Sangli- 416312 along with the construction thereon both present and future, property owned by Mr. Sanjay Annasaheb Patil, Mrs. Vijayshree Sanjay Patil and Miss Rajkuvar Sanjay Patil.


North By remaining part of Gat No. 745 and Gat No 747 South By Gat No. 743
East By Gat No. 748, 749, 744 West By Kharshing Road & Yogewadi Shiv

Reserve Price

Rs. 7,26,00,000/-

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of the Reserve Price with respect to each unit as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs. 10,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditors for flats as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

On 11th September, 2023
(Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc.

 11th September, 2023 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

12th  September 2023, at 11.00 PM to 03.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings.

This Publication is also 30 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors.

Date: 5th Aug, 2023
Place: Kolhapur

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

  1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd is the Service Provider which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform. 

  2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.

  3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India), Contact Person: Mr. Bhavik Pandya -08866682937, Help Line No .:+911244302020/2021/2022/2023|Support Mobile No.: 07291981124, Support Mail id:, &

  4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.

  5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India) on well in advance and get the User ID and password.

  6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.

  7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.  

  8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.

  9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.

  10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.

  11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.

  12. All bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of sale and be bound by them.

  13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.

  14. In case the e-Auction scheduled is postponed to a date before 30 days from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider.

Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792), Email ID:

Date: 4th Aug, 2023
Place: Sangli

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Borrower Notice
Postal receipt 2nd E-Auction Notice-Anandagar
English Publication
Marathi Publication


Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of AFPL on 15th October, 2024, will be sold by E-Auction on 25th March, 2025 on an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs 6,10,37,863.29/- (Rupees Six Crore Ten Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three and Twenty Nine Paisa Only) as on 06.10.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower: Name of the Co-Applicant:
MM/s Anand Sagar Charitable Trust Tassgon (Borrower)

R/o: Plot No. 81/96, Anandsagar, Amruteshwar Nagar, Dutt Mal, Tasgaon, Dist. Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

1) Mr. Sanjay Annasaheb Patil

Address: at R/o Anandsagar Niwas, Amruteshwar Nagar, Dutt Mal, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312.

2) Mr. Rajendra Annasaheb Patil

Address: R/o: Plot No. 81, Anandsagar, Nr. Sainik School, Amruteshwar Nagar, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

3) Mr. Vijayshree Sanjay Patil

Address: R/o Anandsagar Niwas, Amruteshwar Nagar, Dutt Mal, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

4) Miss Rajkuvar Sanjay Patil

Address: R/o: Plot No. 81, Anandsagar, Nr. Sainik School, Amruteshwar Nagar, Tasgaon, M.D.G., Sangali, Maharshtra-416312

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online e-Auction through website on 25th March, 2025 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400419004467, 400419012104 & 400419021085 an amount of total Rs 6, 10, 37,863.29/- (Rupees Six Crore Ten Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three and Twenty Nine Paisa Only) to AFPL payable as on 06.10.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization.


All that piece and parcel of Part of Gat No. 745 South Side land admeasuring about 05 Hector 70 Aarr Out of Gat No 745 total Land admeasuring about 11 Hector 40 Aar situated at revenue village Boregaon, which is within the local limits of Zilha Parishad Sangli, Taluka Panchayat Samiti Kavathe Mahakal, Grampanchayat Boregaon and within the jurisdiction of Registration District, Sub Registrar Kavathe Mahakal, District Sangli- 416312 along with the construction thereon both present and future, property owned by Mr. Sanjay Annasaheb Patil, Mrs. Vijayshree Sanjay Patil and Miss Rajkuvar Sanjay Patil.


North By remaining part of Gat No. 745 and Gat No 747 South By Gat No. 743
East By Gat No. 748, 749, 744 West By Kharshing Road & Yogewadi Shiv

Reserve Price

Rs. 6,17,00,000/-

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of the Reserve Price with respect to property as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs. 50,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditor for property as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULE- I.

On 24th March, 2025
(Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc

 24th March, 2025 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

25th March, 2025, at 11.00 PM to 12.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings.

This Publication is also 15 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors.

Date: 7th March 2025
Place: Sangli

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

  1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auction tiger) is the Service Provider, which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform.
  2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.
  3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) Head Office: B-705, Wall Street II, Opp. Orient Club, Near Gujrat College, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006 Gujrat (India), Contact Person: Mr. Ram Sharma - 8000023297, Support Mobile No.: 9265562818/9265562821/079-6813 6842/6869, Support Mail id:, &
  4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.
  5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) Head Office: B-705, Wall Street II, Opp. Orient Club, Near Gujrat College, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006 Gujrat (India) well in advance and get the User ID and password.
  6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.
  7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.
  8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.
  9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.
  10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.
  11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.
  12. All the intending bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms, conditions of sale, and be bound by them.
  13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.
  14. In case the E-Auction scheduled is postponed from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider.

Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792), Email ID:

Date: 7th March, 2025
Place: Sangli

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured  to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of ARGFL on 13th October, 2023, will be sold by  E-Auction on 6th, December, 2023 an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs. 10111567.63/- (Rupees One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Seven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022   and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower: Name of the Co-Applicant:

Priyadarshini Vidya Samsthe
R/o. Kikkeri Road, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka Through Tarakirna

And Also

Priyadarshini School and Vision Pre Primary School
R/o. Kikkeri Road, Behind KSRTC Bus Stand, K R Pete, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka

1).Mrs. Tarakiran W/o Late Mr. Munishankarappa, (Deceased)
(Served through legal heirs)
R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

2) Mrs. Suryani B M
R/o K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.
(legal heir of deceased co-borrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)
3) Mr. Mohan Chandra B M  S/o Late Mr. Munishankarappa (legal heir of deceased co-borrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)
R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

Also residing at
Eswarprasad Building, Mandya, Old Town, Mandya, 571426 Karnataka

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online E-Auction through website on 6th December, 2023 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400619004215, 400619007617, 400619011310, 400619012139 & 400619012798 an amount of total Rs  10111567.63/- (Rupees One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Seven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization.




(A)          All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/5P1 and New Sy. No. 239/5A3, situated situated at Krishnarajapete Village, Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapete Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, having M.R. No. 67/94-95, measuring 5 Guntas, along with building constructed therein owned by Mrs. Tarakiran since deceased through her legal heirs:-




8 feet wide Road and remaining land.


K. Suresh's Land


Puttaraju's Land

(B)           All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/4P1 and New Sy. No. 239/4A3, situated at Krishnarajapete Village. Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapato Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, measuring 6 Guntas, along with building constructed therein owned by Mrs. Tarakiran since deceased through her legal heirs:-


Govt. Canal


8 feet wide Road left by the Vendor.


Remaining portion of land sold to vendor


Land belongs Ramesh


Reserve Price

Rs. 2,18,00,000/- ( Two Crores Eighteen Lacs only)

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of the Reserve Price with respect to each unit as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs.10,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditors for flats as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

On 5th December, 2023
(Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc.

 5th December, 2023 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

6th December, 2023, at 11.00 PM to 03.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings. 

This Publication is also 30 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors. 
Date:  3rd November, 2023                                                                                Authorized Officer 
Place:   Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya)
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd is the Service Provider, which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform. 

2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.

3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India), Contact Person: Mr. Bhavik Pandya -08866682937, Help Line No .:+911244302020/2021/2022/2023|Support Mobile No.: 07291981124, Support Mail id:, &

4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.

5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India) on well in advance and get the User ID and password. 

6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.

7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.  

8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.

9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.

10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.

11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.

12. All bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of sale and be bound by them.

13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.

14. In case the e-Auction scheduled is postponed to a date before 30 days from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider.

Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Vaibhav Sawant, Phone: 7083159516), Email ID:
Date:   3rd November, 2023                                                                          Authorized Officer 


Place:  Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya),                                                                 Auxilo Finserve Pvt. Ltd

Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ Co- Applicant/Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of ARGFL on 13th October, 2023, will be sold by E-Auction on 29th April, 2024 an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs. 10111567.63/- (Rupees One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty- Seven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022  and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower:
Priyadarshini Vidya Samsthe
R/o. Kikkeri Road, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka Through Tarakirna

And Also

Priyadarshini School and Vision Pre Primary School
R/o. Kikkeri Road, Behind KSRTC Bus Stand, K R Pete, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka

Name of the Co-Applicant:

1) Mrs.          Tarakiran         W/o         Late         Mr. Munishankarappa, (Deceased)
(Served through legal heirs)
R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

2) Mrs. Suryani B M

R/o K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.
(legal heir of deceased co-borrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)

3) Mr. Mohan Chandra B M S/o Late Mr. Munishankarappa (legal heir of deceased co- borrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)

R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

Also residing at
Eswarprasad Building, Mandya, Old Town, Mandya, 571426 Karnataka

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online E-Auction through website on 29th April, 2024 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400619004215, 400619007617, 400619011310, 400619012139 & 400619012798 an amount of total Rs 10111567.63/- (Rupees
One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Seven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization.


(A) All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/5P1 and New Sy. No. 239/5A3, situated situated at Krishnarajapete Village, Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapete Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, having M.R. No. 67/94-95, measuring 5 Guntas, along with building constructed therein owned by Mrs. Tarakiran since deceased through her legal heirs:-





8 feet wide Road and remaining land.


K. Suresh's Land


Puttaraju's Land


(B)All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/4P1 and New Sy. No. 239/4A3, situated at Krishnarajapete Village. Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapato Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, measuring 6 Guntas, along with building constructed therein owned by Mrs. Tarakiran since deceased through her legal heirs:-



Govt. Canal


8 feet wide Road left by the Vendor.


Remaining portion of land sold to vendor


Land belongs Ramesh


Reserve Price

Rs. 1,90,00,000/- ( One Crores Ninety Lakhs only)

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of   the   Reserve   Price   with   respect   Property   as
mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs.10,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditors for property as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULE- I.

On 26th April, 2024
(Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of
Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc.

27th April, 2024 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

29th April, 2024, at 11.00 PM to 03.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings. ">

This Publication is also 15 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors.


Date: 8th April, 2024                                                                       Authorized Officer


Place: Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya),                                                    Auxilo Finserve Pvt. Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

  1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd is the Service Provider, which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform.
  2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.
  3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India), Contact Person: Mr. Bhavik Pandya -08866682937, Help Line No    .:+911244302020/2021/2022/2023|Support    Mobile    No.:    07291981124,    Support    Mail    id:, &
  4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.
  5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/s C1 India Pvt Ltd Plot No. 68, 3rd Floor, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003 (India) on well in advance and get the User ID and password.
  6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.
  7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.
  8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.
  9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.
  10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.
  11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.
  12. All the intending bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms, conditions of sale, and be bound by them.
  13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.
  14. In case the E-Auction scheduled is postponed from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider.

Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792), Email ID:


Date: 8th April, 2024                                                                       Authorized Officer


Place: Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya),                                                    Auxilo Finserve Pvt. Ltd

3rd-EAuction In Priyadarshini


Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ Co- Applicant/Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of ARGFL on 13th October, 2023, will be sold by E-Auction on 24th December, 2024 an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs. 10111567.63/- (Rupees One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty- Seven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower: Name of the Co-Applicant:
Priyadarshini Vidya Samsthe

R/o. Kikkeri Road, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka Through Tarakirna

and also

Priyadarshini School and Vision Pre Primary School

R/o. Kikkeri Road, Behind KSRTC Bus Stand, K R Pete, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka

1).Mrs. Tarakiran W/o Late Mr. Munishankarappa, (Deceased)

(Served through her legal heirs) R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

2) Mrs. Suryani B M

R/o K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka. (legal heir of deceased co-borrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)

3) Mr. Mohan Chandra B M S/o Late Mr. Munishankarappa (legal heir of deceased coborrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)

R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

Also residing at

Eswarprasad Building, Mandya, Old Town, Mandya, 571426 Karnataka

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online E-Auction through website on 24th December, 2024 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400619004215, 400619007617, 400619011310, 400619012139 & 400619012798 an amount of total Rs
10111567.63/- (Rupees One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Seven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and
other cost and charges till the date of realization.


(A) All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/5P1 and New Sy. No. 239/5A3, situated situated at Krishnarajapete Village, Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapete Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, having M.R. No. 67/94-95, measuring 5 Guntas, along with building constructed therein owned by Mrs. Tarakiran since deceased through her legal heirs:- BOUNDED BY:-





8 feet wide Road and remaining land.



K. Suresh's Land


Puttaraju's Land

(B)All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/4P1 and New Sy. No. 239/4A3, situated at Krishnarajapete Village. Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapato Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, measuring 6 Guntas, along



Govt. Canal


8 feet wide Road left by the Vendor.



Remaining portion of land sold to vendor


Land belongs Ramesh

Reserve Price

Rs. 1,70,00,000/- ( One Crores Seventy Lakhs only)

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of   the   Reserve   Price   with   respect   Property   as
mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs.10,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditors for property as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULE- I.

On 21st   December, 2024 (Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of
Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc.

23rd December, 2024 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

24th December, 2024, at 11.00 PM to 03.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings.

This Publication is also 15 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors.

Date: 6 th December, 2024
Place: Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya)

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

  1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) is the Service Provider, which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform.
  2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.
  3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) Head Office: B-705, Wall Street II, Opp. Orient Club, Near Gujrat College, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006 Gujrat (India), Contact Person: Mr. Ram Sharma - 8000023297, Support Mobile No.: 9265562818/9265562821/079-6813 6842/6869, Support Mail id:, &
  4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.
  5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) Head Office: B-705, Wall Street II, Opp. Orient Club, Near Gujrat College, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006 Gujrat (India) well in advance and get the User ID and password.
  6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.
  7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.
  8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.
  9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.
  10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.
  11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.
  12. All the intending bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms, conditions of sale, and be bound by them.
  13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.
  14. In case the E-Auction scheduled is postponed from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider.

Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792), Email ID:

Date: 6 th December, 2024
Place: Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya)

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

4th-EAuction In Priyadarshini
4th Auction-Postal Receipt


Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the below Borrower/ CoApplicant/Guarantors that the below described immovable property mentioned in SCHEDULE-I inter alia secured to Auxilo Finserve Pvt Limited [“AFPL”] (Secured Creditor), the Physical Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer of ARGFL on 13th October, 2023, will be sold by E-Auction on 11th February, 2025 an “As is where is” & “As is what is” and “Whatever there is” basis towards recovery of total sum of Rs. 10111567.63/- (Rupees One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred SixtySeven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization from Borrower/Co-Applicant as mentioned below:

Name of the Borrower: Name of the Co-Applicant:
Priyadarshini Vidya Samsthe

R/o. Kikkeri Road, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka Through Tarakirna

and also

Priyadarshini School and Vision Pre Primary School

R/o. Kikkeri Road, Behind KSRTC Bus Stand, K R Pete, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka

1).Mrs. Tarakiran W/o Late Mr. Munishankarappa, (Deceased)

(Served through her legal heirs) R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

2) Mrs. Suryani B M

R/o K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka. (legal heir of deceased co-borrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)

3) Mr. Mohan Chandra B M S/o Late Mr. Munishankarappa (legal heir of deceased coborrower/mortgagor Mrs. Tarakiran)

R/o Priyadarshini School, K R Pet, Mandya District – 571426 Karnataka.

Also residing at

Eswarprasad Building, Mandya, Old Town, Mandya, 571426 Karnataka

The under mentioned properties will be sold by “Online E-Auction through website on 11th February, 2025 for/towards recovery of Loan A/c No. 400619004215, 400619007617, 400619011310, 400619012139 & 400619012798 an amount of total Rs 10111567.63/- (Rupees One Crore One Lakh Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Seven and Paise Sixty-Three Only) which is total outstanding as on 20.12.2022 and the contractual interest thereon and other cost and charges till the date of realization.


(A) All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/5P1 and New Sy. No. 239/5A3, situated situated at Krishnarajapete Village, Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapete Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, having M.R. No. 67/94-95, measuring 5 Guntas, along with building constructed therein owned by Mrs. Tarakiran since deceased through her legal heirs:-





8 feet wide Road and remaining land.



K. Suresh's Land


Puttaraju's Land

(B)All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Old Sy. No. 239/4P1 and New Sy. No. 239/4A3, situated at Krishnarajapete Village. Kasaba Hobli, Krishnarajapato Taluk, Mandya District, under the limit of Krishnarajapete TMC, measuring 6 Guntas, along with building constructed therein owned by Mrs. Tarakiran since deceased through her legal heirs:-



Govt. Canal


8 feet wide Road left by the Vendor.



Remaining portion of land sold to vendor


Land belongs Ramesh

Reserve Price

Rs. 1,53,00,000/- ( One Crores Fifty Three Lakhs only)

Earnest Money Deposit

10% of the Reserve Price with respect Property as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Bid increment Amount

Rs.10,000/- or in such multiples as permitted by the Secured Creditors for property as mentioned in SCHEDULE-I.

Date and Time for Inspection of title documents and the immovable properties mentioned in SCHEDULEI.

On 8th January, 2025(Timing 11.00 AM to 02.00 P.M.)

[Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792, Email ID:]

Date and Time for submission of Tender form along with KYC documents / Proof of EMD etc.

10th February, 2025 before 5.00 PM

Date & time of opening of online offers

11th February, 2025, at 11.00 PM to 03.00 PM

Note: The intending bidder/purchaser may visit Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd website for detail terms and conditions regarding auction proceedings.

This Publication is also 15 days’ notice stipulated under rule 8(6) & 9(1) or Security Interest(Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above Borrower/ Guarantors.

Date: 23rd January, 2025
Place: Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya)

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd

Terms and Conditions of the E-auction are as under:

  1. Auction/bidding shall only be through “online electronic mode” through the website of the Service M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) is the Service Provider, which will arrange to provide the e-auction platform.
  2. The bidders may participate in e-auction for bidding with respect to a single unit or multiple units with respect to Schedule Property as they may so desire from their place of choice internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by bidder himself with respect to each unit. AFPL /Service Provider shall not be held responsible for the internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.
  3. For details, help, procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the Service Provider viz M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) Head Office: B-705, Wall Street II, Opp. Orient Club, Near Gujrat College, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006 Gujrat (India), Contact Person: Mr. Ram Sharma - 8000023297, Support Mobile No.: 9265562818/9265562821/079-6813 6842/6869, Support Mail id:, &
  4. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.
  5. For participating in e-auction sale the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider viz M/S e-Procurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Auctiontiger) Head Office: B-705, Wall Street II, Opp. Orient Club, Near Gujrat College, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006 Gujrat (India) well in advance and get the User ID and password.
  6. The immovable property “SHALL NOT” be sold below the reserve price and the same shall be sold on an “As is where is”, “As is what is” and “Whatever there is”.
  7. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including EMD) on the next day of the sale, being knocked down in his/her/it favor and balance 75% of bid amount within 15 days after the sale date by RTGS/NEFT/Funds Transfer to the credit of A/C No. 196205001039 as mentioned above, Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through IFSC Code “ICIC0001962“or by Demand Draft /Pay Order in favor of Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd, payable at Mumbai.
  8. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder/auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale, without any reference or recourse to such a bidder.
  9. The successful bidder shall bear the charges payable for conveyance, Registration fee, stamp duty etc., as applicable under related laws.
  10. Bids once made shall not be cancelled or withdrawn. All bids made from the user ID given to bidder will be deemed to have been made by him/her/it only.
  11. Prospective bidders are advised to peruse the copies of Title deeds with AFPL and verify the latest Encumbrance Certificate and other Revenue/Municipal records to exercise due diligence and satisfy themselves on the Title and Encumbrances, if any over the property.
  12. All the intending bidders shall be deemed to have read and understood the terms, conditions of sale, and be bound by them.
  13. The Authorized Officer may postpone/cancel the e- auction without assigning any reason therefor.
  14. In case the E-Auction scheduled is postponed from the scheduled date of sale, it will be displayed on the website of the Service Provider.

Note: The intending bidders may contact Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd for ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by AFPL (Mr. Sandeep Vijay Upadhyay, Phone: 9773894792 ), Email ID:

Date: 23rd January, 2025
Place: Kasaba Hobli, (Mandya)

Authorized Officer
Auxilo Finserve Pvt Ltd